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The BP MS150 raises more money for finding a cure for MS than any other event in the country!  It’s the largest MS150 charity ride in the country, but we can always do better.  In 2014 Team Shell raised $240,928 and Team Shell riders on the average raised $938, over twice the NMSS minimum fund raising requirement of $400/rider. Our top Team Shell Fundraisers that raised over $2,000 in 2014 were:  

Tony Farmer
  Todd Nunnally
Janie Grayson Deborah Ham
  Lewis Dutel
James Kinzler Todd Jones Robert Goodman
Denise Morrison Iris Alvarez John Givens
Danny Flack

Tim Downs

Fraser Murray

Geoff Donnelly Christopher Hadley David Devoucalla
Tessa de Monnink
-van Westremem
Chris DeVoucalla Malcolm Ross
Jamie Crawford Miguel Stewart David Stryk
Anna Raley Gordon McCallum

Here are some tips on fundraising:

  • Start by viewing/updating your on-line Personal Page (Participant Center) provided by the MS Society - CLICK HERE You need your User Name and Password which you got upon registering. If you don't remember them follow the links provided.  

  • Send reminder and solicitation e-mails with link to your Participant Center to friends, family and co-workers for their support

  • Track your individual ongoing fundraising progress

  • Be sure to take advantage of Shell's new matching fund program (see below) for donations from Shell/Motiva employees and retirees. Also, if you get donations from folks that work for other companies that have a matching fund program, ask them to apply for match monies as well.

  • View donation reports to confirm they agree with your records. 

  • Send follow-up messages and thank you e-mails to your supporters

  • For more information and ideas on fundraising, go to the MS Society's Fundraising Tools and How-To-Guide

Our target this year is to ride with over 250 riders and have our team average exceed the $1,000 mark for a 2015 fundraising goal of $250,000. To view Team Shell's current progress on reaching this goal: CLICK HERE

Let’s make a difference.  Proceeds raised during the MS150 go to research, chapter services assistance programs, MS clinics, self-help groups and peer-counseling, education & community awareness. 


Shell has a matching fund program for eligible charities, such as the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. If you or your supporters are a Shell or Motiva employee or retiree, the Shell HERO Program will match donations to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.  To apply for matching funds on-line, you or your Shell employee supporters need to go to one of the matching fund websites below. Matching funds will be credited to your fundraising efforts.  or

The online process to apply for matching funds is somewhat confusing. To assist we have developed a web page that specifically addresses in detail how to apply for Shell matching funds for the MS 150 charity ride. This will hopefully guide you through the process and avoid several "pitfalls" that have caused problems.:

 CLICK HERE .for MS 150 matching fund guidance webpage.

Follow the steps and when you get to the search field to identify the charity, it is sufficient to type in "National" for the organization; Houston for the city; select TX for state; don't enter zip code; and select health/human for the category. The search should bring up the National Multiple Sclerosis Society -  Houston Chapter which you can select. When you specify the donation you have made, there is box under the charity name titled "Restriction or Purpose". To assure that the matching funds get properly credited, type in Team Name (e.g. Team Shell) and the rider name.

When submitted, Shell (actually the contracting company that manages this process)  contacts the Houston NMSS to confirm that a donation was made. Once that is completed your participant center should show both the original donation and the match. The process takes 7-10 days. If you don't see a match show up after that, you can contact the HERO administrator at: (800) 554-7861.

There is also a paper process to apply for matching funds, which might be easier if your donations are make by check. The paper form is available at the above websites and well as via this link. To assure that the matching funds get properly applied, the NMSS recommends submitting both the check and the matching fund form (filled out and signed by the donor) together to the NMSS. They will then forward the form to the HERO administrator with confirmation that a donation has been made.

  • Since 1998, riders from Shell have raised over $2.9 Million to fight MS.

  • When you see the MS150 Tour sign what comes to your mind first?  Do you think about the challenge of riding to Austin?  Do you think about the big party in La Grange?  Maybe you dread the thought of spending nearly 180 miles on that narrow bike seat of yours?    No matter what your motivation, please do not lose sight of the fact that miles will not help cure MS but dollars will.  Your personal pledge and fundraising efforts are absolutely critical to help reach the Lone-Star Chapter’s 2015 goal of $20,000,000, supporting MS research and client services to more than 17,000 Texan men, women and children living with multiple sclerosis.  With your help, we can set new records, blaze new trails and pave the way in the fight to end multiple sclerosis.

  • Shell strongly encourages you to aim for double, triple or even quadruple your minimum pledge.  For the daring of you, go ahead and leave us in the dust with your 300 Club goal.  The MS150 300 Club is an elite group of cyclists made up of the top 300 fund-raisers. Collectively, these riders raise about 20% money for the MS 150 each year.  To reward these special individuals, each is a member of the 300 Club and receives special benefits before, during and after the ride that are exclusive to members.

  • To learn about fundraising ideas and tips, you may visit:
