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BP MS 150 related information

National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Provides information on the Society, MS and efforts to cure this disease.
BP MS 150 Ride  - Information on Houston-Austin BP MS 150 Ride

Conoco Phillips Bike Club - Training rides, bike exchange, carpooling and other useful biking info. - Provides information on rides in the Houston area and other information.
Dr. Ed's Practical  Guide to Surviving the BP MS 150 - Excellent resource for new riders.

Cool Bike Tours

After training to get ready for the two day, 180 mile BP MS 150, you might be interested in an extended bike tour. There are many available tours available in all parts of the world. Below are listed several that Team Shell Members have or plan to take:

Tour du Rouge - Team Shell member Alan Bazard is the Race Director for this  event, which is a a six day ride from Humble, TX to New Orleans, LA scheduled for  May 4-9, 2014. It is a fully supported 535 miles ride, averaging 89 miles per day, that goes through small towns along the Gulf Coast, staying overnight in motels and limited to 150 riders. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks provided as well as evening entertainment including educational content. It is a fundraising event for the American Red Cross as each participant is expected to raise at least $2,500. Registration is $100. For more information go to their website.

Cycle Oregon - This is an annual event held the second week in September and consists of a seven day bike trip thru different parts of the state of Oregon. Up to 2,000 riders of varying skills participate. It is fully supported with sags and rest stops, all meals are provided and camps with nightly entertainment are set up along the way. In 2005, Team Shell members Andrea and Matt Reynolds, Mark Livingston and Thor Hanson participated in the ride that followed the Columbia River from the middle of state to Astoria on the coast and had a great time.

Cycle Alaska - Sockeye Cycle provides several multi-day bike tours in Alaska and Canada. They are small groups of 4-12 riders with a support van that follows the riders. Accommodations include both camping, motels and B&Bs along the way with excellent meals prepared by the tour guide. In 2006, Thor Hanson and several friends took the 360 mile Golden Circle Tour from Haines, AK thru White Horse, CN to Skagway, AK enjoying spectacular scenery. See website for pictures and description of route.