Leadership Team and Organization

Training Info
   CP Series
   MS Rec Rides 
   Post MS Rides



Team Shell is completely run by volunteers. Although we all enjoyed a successful team effort in 2014, it didn’t just fall into place on its own.  Accolades go out to the 2014 planning team that were integral in Team Shell’s success.  All of us have full-time jobs at Shell, and committed our time and dedication to Team Shell in our “free time” and many late nights. 

If you volunteered to help with the team when you registered with Team Shell, you’ll soon be receiving an Email from a planning committee member.  We appreciate your enthusiasm and support, and look forward to working with you to make 2015 a fantastic success for Team Shell.

2015 Leadership  

Mark Poindexter - Team Captain and Sponsor

Planning Committee

The members of the Team Shell Planning Committee for 2015 with their responsibilities are:

Alan Bazard - Safety Kelly Evans - MS 150 weekend   
Thor Hanson - Website & RM's    

The committee develops plans for Team Shell activities – including events, on-bike safety clinics, communications and other matters to support a successful BP MS150 ride for Team Shell members. If you want to serve on the Planning committee please contact us at: Team Shell Captain

Web Site

Thor Hanson is webmaster for the Team Shell website  Please feel free to contact him if you have questions, comments, corrections etc. at: Team Shell website

Ride Marshals

Five Team Shell members volunteered to be Ride Marshals for the 2014 MS150:

Geoff Donnelly Hesham Ebald David DeVoucalla
Thor Hanson Eric Thiede  

Ride Marshals are registered cyclists who act as both Good Will and Safety Ambassadors for the MS 150 Recommended Rides and the MS 150. Requirements to be a ride marshal include:

  1. Must be 18 years of age.

  2. Be passionate and knowledgeable about safe cycling and be willing to work with fellow cyclists to promote safe cycling.

  3. Have completed at least two (2) BP MS 150 rides from Houston to Austin within the last 5 years.

  4. Provide proof of current CPR/First Aid Training. The National MS Society provides training, if you don't already have certification, but it must be completed BEFORE you can perform any Ride Marshal functions such as supporting any BP MS 150 Recommended Rides.

  5. Be able to support at least two (2) BP MS 150 Recommended Rides during the training season (Jan - April). The registration fees for supporting an MS 150 Recommended Ride is usually waived for Ride Marshal.

  6. Complete a hands-on (8 hr minimum) cycling safety class provided through various resources (including the National MS Society).

If you are interested in being a Ride Marshal contact Brian Hatt or Barron Lazano. Veteran ride marshals should have received a sign-up email from Brian Hatt with a veteran RM link. After completing the Ride Marshal registration form please read and familiarize yourself with the Ride Marshal Manual and the Ride Marshal Code of Conduct. .

If you participate in the CP training series or in an MS Recommended Ride as a Ride Marshall, your fee is waived.

Team Shell Volunteers needed to support training rides and  MS150 Weekend, April 18-19


Team Shell is a wholly volunteer-run operation.  Volunteers have always been and will continue to be the cornerstone of our success. Please help us maintain the tradition by either volunteering yourself or by encouraging friends and/or family members to volunteer for one or more of the events below.

SAG Driver duties involve road support to riders as well as the ability to transport both a rider and their bike between rest stops for both the Ready2Roll and Team Shell training rides.

Rest Stop duties involve manning the rest stops, cheering the riders as they arrive, replenishing food and drinks, etc.

MS150 Weekend duties include a variety of activities in Houston, LaGrange and Austin, such as signing in riders, camp set up and take down, loading/unloading/driving the luggage truck, cheer squad, etc. Kelly Evans is coordinating logistics and volunteers for MS150 Weekend.

Volunteers under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

If you are interested in helping, or have a friend, colleague, spouse, or neighbor (or you miss the MS150 deadline) – please consider this opportunity.

To register as a Team Shell Volunteer: CLICK HERE.