
Training Info
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Safety is a top priority for the NMSS and Team Shell

Safety is Shell’s # 1 Priority. This applies to the workplace as well as all aspects of our business – including our cycling team. Last year Team Shell did not have any major injuries which is a testament to our Safety First policy. The Team Shell Safety focal point is Alan Bazard, who is welcomed back again this year to make our team safer and more courteous on the road. 

How to Fulfill the Mandatory Team Shell Safety Requirements 

The goal for Team Shell is to complete the 2014 MS150 training series and the Houston-to-Austin ride with Zero Incidents. Towards this goal, all Team Shell riders must meet the following safety requirements:

Safety Requirements

Riders residing within a 75 mile radius from Downtown Houston:

  1. MUST have completed at least one on-bike safety training class since January 1, 2013.  Riders who have not had any such training or their training is out of date will be required to attend one of the classes offered by Team Shell (see below for dates and location), local bike shops, or the MS Society

  2. Complete the MS Society's online 2015 Safe Cycling Challenge Quiz. CLICK HERE to access it.. Most of the questions in this quiz are addressed in the Training and Safety Section on the BP MS 150 Home Page. Note: This is NOT a pass/fail quiz; it is merely intended to raise your awareness of key MS150 safety issues.

Riders residing more than 75 miles outside Downtown Houston who are unable to acquire local training:

  1. Review the NMSS Cycling Tips: 2015 BP MS 150 Cycling Tips

  2. Review the NMSS Safety Tips: 2015 BP MS 150 Rules of the Road

  3. Watch the following National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) safety video: - NOTE: Access to YouTube is not permitted and is blocked on the Shell IT Network.  Please view this video from a non-Shell networked computer.

  4. E-mail the Team Shell Captain when ALL OF THE ABOVE THREE REQUIREMENTS have been completed  Please avoid intermediate completion e-mails, as they will NOT be kept on file.


We will have 3 basic safety skills training and 1 advanced skills class for those who have already taken the basic skills class.  Please see the dates and times below and save the date on your calendars now.  Classes are held on Sunday afternoons at our Shell Woodcreek campus.located at 200 N. Dairy Ashford, which is only a few hundred yards north of the I-10 feeder road on Dairy Ashford

  1. Basic Group Riding Skills - Sunday January 25, 2015

  2. Basic Group Riding Skills - Sunday February 22, 2015

  3. Advanced Group Riding Skills - Sunday March 15, 2015 (Must have taken the Basic Skills Course previously)
  4. Basic Group Riding Skills - Sunday March 22, 2015

Each session will consist of a classroom portion and an on-bike portion.  For the on-bike portion, you'll need to bring your bike, helmet, and riding clothes/shoes.

All classes will be held from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.  Please arrive 20-30 minutes early to check-in, get your equipment ready, and make it to the classroom.  Late arrivals will be turned away.

To sign up for a Team Shell training class: To Be Announced


If you're unable to attend one of these dates, you can enroll in one of the MS Group Riding Skill Courses, which are normally run by local bike shops for a cost of about $30 - CLICK HERE - for schedule of classes. You will need to provide us with a proof of completion.  Normally, completion certificates are issued to all attendees as a standard practice. Once completed, please let us know by one of the following methods:

  • E-mail us a scanned copy of the certificate to ShellCyclingTeam@Shell.Com, or

  • Show the certificate in person to the Team Captain, Mark Poindexter or

  • Mail a photo-copy of the certificate to Mark Poindexter via: a) internal Shell mail to WCK, or b) US mail to 200 N. Dairy Ashford, Houston, Texas 77079.

Alan Bazard has put together an excellent handout on rider safety that will be discussed at the clinics. For a copy of this handout: CLICK HERE.

Our goal is to achieve 100% compliance.  We're counting on you to do your part!

Team Shell On-Bike Safety Class - 2014

The first of four Team Shell On-Bike classes were held Sunday, December 7, on a dry but chilly day at Woodcreek. Alan Bazard and Eric Thiede were the instructors with 10 Team Shell members attending the class. Additional instructors are Pat Phelps and Chuck D'Angelo.

"Classroom Session"

Instructors Alan Bazard and Eric Theide

Alan giving drill instructions

Practicing avoiding objects in the road

Riding a straight line

Eric showing emergency braking techniques

Emergency breaking exercise

Practicing a pace line

Final wrap-up session

Team Shell Group Ride Skills Training Course - 2013

Many thanks to team members Alan Bazard, Eric Thiede, Jim Pirnik and Geoff Donnelly for conducting the Team Shell Group Ride Skills training courses in 2013 to  make our ride to Austin safer. Pictures taken during one of the training session are posted below.

Pictures from January 29, 2012 Team Shell On-bike safety training clinic at Woodcreek

Alan Bazard leading the classroom portion of the training course

Practicing turning skills

Geoff Donnelly taught emergency braking skills

Eric Thiede gave pointers on riding techniques

Avoiding obstacles in the road (the tennis balls)

Jim Pirnik discussed pace line riding skills

Pointing out hazards in a pace line

Bike Safety Inspections

Free bike inspections are now available at Official BP MS 150 Bike Stores through April 13th. After that the cost will be $15. This is a great way to get your bike checked out before hand to assure it is "fit" and safe to do the MS 150. Upon passing your bike will get a sticker that lets you have free labor for bike repair and adjustment during the MS 150 Ride (there will be a charge for parts

Safety Tips

The BP MS 150 is a huge event with cyclists of all abilities.  As part of your training, be sure to participate in group rides such as the CP Training series or the MS Society Recommended Rides. Please remember these key tips about a group ride:


  • Ride smoothly and predictably.
  • Communicate - BOTH ways, call hazards, call when passing and listen to others.
  • Ride your ride at your pace.
  • Listen and respect the Ride Marshals, Medics and HPD officers - they are looking out for our safety.
  • Ride single file or max 2 abreast if on a wide shoulder or a road that is closed to regular vehicular traffic.
  • Enjoy the ride - Remember that this is a fund-raiser to find a cure for MS, not a race!


  • Cross over the center stripe
  • Pass on the right
  • Overlap the wheel of the rider in front of you
  • Ride in pacelines (unless you are very experienced with the general process and the specific group your are riding with
  • Wear headphones (any type) or talk on your cell phone while riding

Other Bike Safety Resources

NMSS Bike Safety Zone - Developed by the MS society for the MS 150 Rides

CLICK HERE for the MS Society’s Official MS150 Safety Resource Center

If you have any questions on biking safety - equipment, clinics, etc. please contact us.

         A good ride is a safe ride